Homemade Marshmallows

Okay. I know my DIY posts normally revolve around furniture, pillows, or other home decor, but why couldn't DIY relate to any items you normally buy out, including food? I thought it fit well so today I made homemade marshmallows and I want to show you how to make them too.Now let me tell you...these are YUMMY! I'm pretty sure I'll be buying marshmallows from the store again because these were a little time consuming, but they are a great treat and perfect to make for Easter or a summer camping trip.I found the recipe through Mangoes & Chutney, who got it from Smitten Kitchen, who got it from Epicurious. I know, a bit confusing, but I gotta give credit the best way I know how. And if it's been passed around this much, it must be good. If you want to continue the recipe chain, I've posted it at the bottom of this post. But, enough already...let's just get to the yummy photos!These homemade marshmallows start off like any good confection - boiled water and sugar.Making homemade marshmallowsOnce, boiled, you whip the sugar mixture with gelatin until it has tripled in volume.How to make homemade mashmallowsAs I poured the fluffy mixture into my pan, I did feel a little like Willy Wonka. It looked so good, I wanted to eat it with a spoon. Now I want to look up how to make marshmallow fluff.Homemade Marshmallows RecipeFinally, I dusted the top with powdered sugar. Now if I tried to eat it, someone would see the evidence.Making marshmallows at homeAfter at least 3 hours, your marshmallows will be set and you can cut into them.Cutting up homemade marshmallowsNow it's time to enjoy!Eating homemade marshmallows - it's a tough jobYou can eat them plain or experiment with making smores. These homemade marshmallow did not hold up as well as store bought ones, but they were much tastier.They'll last for up to a week in an airtight container if you can pace yourself and not eat them all at once. Good luck!Here's the recipe if you want to make your own. If you do, let me know how they turn out in the comments below.[yumprint-recipe id='20']