Ep 90: Use Your Dream Life to Help Declutter


What does creating a vision of your dream life have to do with your stuff, decluttering and organizing? It’s a bit like the philosophical question of the chicken and the egg. We’re not sure which came first? In this instance the question becomes does life better because you declutter or do you declutter as you get closer to your dream life?

And maybe you think it's a hard question because everyone’s idea of a dream or ideal life is different. Yes, that is true. What seems ideal for one person might be the opposite of what you would consider a dream.

The good news is that our definition and visions of dream lives actually have very little to do with the steps we need to take to get there. So no matter if you want to be a homeschooling parent or prefer to send your children to school - you can use these steps. If you want to travel the world or explore your city they will work for you too. They will even work no matter how much or little money you have in the bank.

The 3 steps outlined in this episode will help you create a clear vision for your life, let go of the comparison trap, and create space so you can enjoy the life of your dreams. Let’s explore how we can create a life you don’t feel like you need a vacation from.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will also help you discover:

  • Why the first step to getting the life you want is knowing what it is

  • How to create goals that improve your whole life

  • The 10 life categories you need to consider when creating your vision

  • The simplest way to get out of the comparison trap

  • How decluttering makes it easier to live your dream life

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