Ep 207: Clearing Clutter, Finding Clarity: Insights for a Tidier Home as We Age with Grace Rehman


In this episode of the Wannabe Clutter Free podcast, the host, Deanna Yates, interviews Grace Rehman, a seasoned professional declutterer from Stockton, California. Grace brings her insightful journey and expertise to the forefront, offering practical guidance and heartfelt reflections on simplifying life's chapters.

This episode provides practical tips for starting the decluttering process and reducing possessions. They discuss strategies for tackling common decluttering challenges such as sentimental attachments and dealing with paper clutter. The conversation also emphasizes how decluttering can lead to personal growth and open doors to new opportunities. Letting go of physical clutter creates mental space, allowing individuals to gain clarity and purpose, which in turn fosters personal development and self-discovery.

Key Takeaways:

  • Find pactical tips to start decluttering and simplify your stuff.

  • Learn strategies to overcome cluttering challenges, like sentimental attachments and paper clutter.

  • Discover how decluttering can lead to personal growth and new opportunities.

  • Get guidance on managing family dynamics and helping older relatives declutter.

  • Embrace mindset shifts for successful decluttering and welcome change for a fresh start.

About Grace Rehman:

Grace Rehman is a professional declutterer and organizer based in Stockton, CA. She specializes in helping people clear away decades of accumulation so that they can have a more simplified and peaceful home environment. She believes that letting go of things you no longer need, use or love makes room for more possibilities. When she is not helping clients, she is hanging out with her husband and almost 6-year-old son, Zayn.

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Our Podcast Guest

Grace Rehman


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