Ep 204: Finding Your Unique Spark: Quiet the Mean Girl & Rediscover You with Onnie Michalsky


In this episode of the Wannabe Clutter Free podcast, the host, Deanna Yates, interviews Onnie Michalsky. They delve into themes such as silencing one's inner critic, rediscovering personal passions beyond motherhood, and fostering children's interests.

Onnie Michalsky is a licensed therapist, life coach, and devoted mother of six. Her passion lies in inspiring high-performance women who have lost their sense of self amidst the demands of motherhood. As the founder of Moms Without Capes, Onnie's mission is to help moms get themselves on their own to-do list so that they can get back in touch with who they are beyond a mom.

On this episode Onnie shares her journey of overcoming the 'Supermom' identity and founding 'Moms Without Capes' to encourage mothers to prioritize themselves.

They explore practical tips on simplifying life, setting achievable goals, and the importance of self-awareness and reflection for personal growth. The episode provides insights into balancing familial responsibilities with personal aspirations, encouraging mothers to reclaim their identity and live a fulfilling life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strategies for silencing your inner critic and overcoming the 'Supermom' identity.

  • Ways to rediscover personal passions and interests beyond the role of motherhood.

  • Practical tips for simplifying life and setting achievable goals amidst familial responsibilities.

  • The importance of self-awareness and reflection in fostering personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Insights on balancing family commitments with pursuing individual aspirations and reclaiming your identity.

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Our Podcast Guest

Onnie Michalsky


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