Ep 162: Change Your Life and Home Today by Choosing Joy with Amy Nesbitt


Have you heard the saying that happiness is a choice? Well, when the pandemic hit in 2020 that’s what one mama in California decided to test it out.

Instead of focusing on all the negative that was happening in the world, she started to document the little joys and happy moments of family life.

It’s lead her on a journey she never expected to be on and she is here to share the experience with us.

Amy Nesbitt is a full time, corporate world working mama to two boys in Silicon Valley. She is a forever learner passionate about wellness for herself, her family, and helping other mamas find wholeness in their life.

You can find her spreading the joy for accessible Japanese cooking and culture on her Youtube "This Japanese American Life" or her food Instagram "AmyNsEats" because you have to enjoy the ordinary moments!

This episode of the Wannabe Clutter Free podcast will also help you discover:

  • What it means to choose joy

  • How we can add more joy to our busy lives

  • Tips for including your kids (and fun!) in your daily tasks

  • Why kids toys on the floor are not always clutter

  • All about a free summit (I’m speaking too!) that Amy is hosting to help busy moms reconnect with themselves

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Check out the Whole Wellness Mama’s Summit

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Wannabe Minimalist Family - come join my private group filled with amazing people just like you who are on their journey toward minimalism and simplifying.


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