Ep 148: 5 Daily Habits to Simplify Your Busy Life with Gretchen Dow


Being a mom is a busy, overwhelming, and often self-sacrificing job. However, we know that in order to be a better mom, wife, and person we need to take care of ourselves.

But, how are we supposed to make the time when there is so little time left in our already jam-packed days?

That’s where habits come in. But, not just any habits.

We need the right habits.

My guest this week on Wannabe Minimalist is here to help us with those habits.

Gretchen Dow is a mom, podcaster, wife and owner of Wellness by Gretchen who lives with her family in South Australia.

She helps moms who are starting their health journey create habits, increase their energy and reduce cravings so that they can reach a healthy weight.

Gretchen is also the host of the healthy, happy and thriving mama podcast where she shares her best tips, strategies and actionable steps to help you get started in your health journey.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will also help you discover:

  • 5 habits every woman should implement to simplify their life

  • How to implement a routine with an irregular schedule

  • Tips for creating more time in your schedule

  • Why habits are so important

  • The difference between habits and routines

Helpful Links:

some of these may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links I may get paid a small amount. I stand by my recommendations. Thank you for supporting this podcast.

Gretchen’s Website

Gretchen's free resources

Tidy Home Academy - This life-changing course will help you declutter, organize, & create systems so your home can run on autopilot.

The Home Systems Power Pack - A digital library is jam-packed with actionable workbooks, guides, pdfs, worksheets and more so you can start to make real progress in your home!

Wannabe Minimalist Family - come join my private group filled with amazing people just like you who are on their journey toward minimalism and simplifying.


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