Ep 146: Finding the Right Place to Donate Your Decluttered Stuff


In the private Facebook group, a member recently asked about how to let go of the need to find the perfect recipient for the items she is decluttering. This has become a road block for her and is keeping her from letting go of her stuff and enjoying the benefits of a clutter free life.

And if there is one thing I know, it’s that when one person has a question, others do too.

They might ask it in a slightly different way, but the question is still there. Perhaps you’ve dealt with the guilt of letting something go in the past because it was expensive. Or maybe you want to make sure your donation doesn't end up in the landfill. Or perhaps you have a sentimental attachment to something and while you no longer want the item in your home you still care what happens to it.

The way it generally comes up is that you want your stuff to go to a good home…whatever that means.

This week’s podcast episode starts with a look at a few reasons behind why we feel this way and then gives you 4 ways to take action and start making those donations.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will cover:

  • What is the helper’s high and how it affects donating

  • A little known tip for success when giving to a Buy Nothing Group

  • 4 ways to find the right person to give to

  • My favorite hack for avoiding Buyer’s Remorse

  • A simple shopping tip to stave off clutter in the first place

Helpful Links:

some of these may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links I may get paid a small amount. I stand by my recommendations. Thank you for supporting this podcast.

Time Magazine Article

Inside Shein Documentary

Benefits of Giving

The Home Systems Power Pack - A digital library is jam-packed with actionable workbooks, guides, pdfs, worksheets and more so you can start to make real progress in your home!

Wannabe Minimalist Family - come join my private group filled with amazing people just like you who are on their journey toward minimalism and simplifying.


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