Ep 142: Transform Your Home and Life: Creating a New Routine That Sticks


Most of us function everyday following habits, routines, and systems whether we realize it or not. You probably have a system for getting ready in the morning, a system for getting the kids to school, a system for grocery shopping...the list goes on and on.

But what happens when that system stops working or we try to start a new routine? Maybe the kids have grown and the morning routine doesn't work like it used to. Or maybe you've just moved to a new house and nothing seems to be in its rightful place. Or maybe you’re ready to finally declutter and organize your home.

Whatever the reason, when we start new habits, routines, or systems, there are likely to be some hiccups along the way. Here are a few tips to not just help you implement a new system in your home, but to be successful with it.

This episode of Wannabe Minimalist will also help you discover:

  • 6 ways you can be successful with a new routine

  • What to do if and when you mess up

  • Why it’s imperative to ask your family for input

  • The 2 simple strategies I use to resist temptation

  • How gratitude connects to your goals and new habits

Helpful Links:

some of these may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links I may get paid a small amount. I stand by my recommendations. Thank you for supporting this podcast.

The Home Systems Power Pack - A digital library is jam-packed with actionable workbooks, guides, pdfs, worksheets and more so you can start to make real progress in your home!

Wannabe Minimalist Family - come join my private group filled with amazing people just like you who are on their journey toward minimalism and simplifying.


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