Ep 134: Clear Your Clutter this Year with the Avalanche Declutter Challenge


I am a sucker for the New Year! I love the fresh start and the feeling of a clean slate, but can I let you in on a secret…it can take me a few days to embrace the new calendar and get motivated. That's why I love challenges. They give me the push I need to get going and once the momentum gets going, my success is inevitable.

So, this year, I am resurrecting the Avalanche Declutter Challenge. It’s back by popular demand and it’s going to help you transform your home and your life, even if that’s been difficult in the past.

This challenge works because it taps into our energy when we start something new. At the beginning we are excited and energized and so we can start with bigger tasks. As the challenge wears on, the amount of items we are asked to declutter decreases. This makes it easier to continue and finish the challenge strong.

I completed the Avalanche Declutter Challenge for the first time in June 2021 and I was shocked at how it transformed my home and my relationship with stuff. I felt more free than I had felt in a very long time and my mind was clear. It’s a feeling I want for you too so I hope you will join me this month for this life-changing 30-day decluttering challenge.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will help you discover:

  • 7 secrets to success with decluttering challenges

  • What to expect over the course of 30 days

  • How you can actually declutter over 450 items in one month

  • What to do if life gets in the way and you get off track

  • Where to join in the decluttering challenge

Helpful Links:

some of these may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links I may get paid a small amount. I stand by my recommendations. Thank you for supporting this podcast.

Tidy Home Academy - This life-changing course will help you declutter, organize, & create systems so your home can run on autopilot.

The Home Systems Power Pack - A digital library is jam-packed with actionable workbooks, guides, pdfs, worksheets and more so you can start to make real progress in your home!

Wannabe Minimalist Family - come join my private group filled with amazing people just like you who are on their journey toward minimalism and simplifying.


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