Ep 107: Use These Routines to Create Better Habits with Ashley Brown


If you’ve wanted your home to run smoother, make lasting changes in your life, or just get more done - finding the right routine might be the little thing that’s missing.

Routines and habits are one of the things I resisted in my life for way too long and I am almost embarrassed by how long it took me to figure out that routines are the things that make life easier - not harder or boring.

However, routines can be tricky to set up and we don't always get it right the first time. But, once you find the right routines for you and your family…they are so worth it!

My expert guest is Ashley Brown. In addition to being a mom of two, she is the author of the Routine Building Handbook and owner of Routine and Things, which serves to help women get organized and into routine so they enjoy the heck out of life.

Ashley knows when women feel good, the world is better for it. She’s on a mission to see as many women as possible organize their life one routine at a time!

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will also help you discover:

  • How many routines Ashley has in her life (and how many she recommends)

  • What to do when a routine fails

  • Why routines are the safeguard against boredom

  • The steps you can take to start a new routine

  • What to do if you feel too stressed to try a new routine

Show Sponsor: Erin Condren LifePlanner™

Finally, a planner to keep your routines beautifully organized.

The Erin Condren suite of planners is revolutionizing the world of paper planning and transforming the act of scheduling your daily tasks into celebrating each day! With a gorgeous array of inspirational and organizational products that make life just a bit more fun, these happy products promise to truly elevate everyday life.

From the signature LifePlanner™, stationery, stickers and everything in between, there’s truly something for everyone. Take the quiz to find out what planner is right for you at wannabeclutterfree.com/ecplanner.


Helpful Links:

some of these may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links I may get paid a small amount. I stand by my recommendations. Thank you for supporting this podcast.

Ashley’s Website

Freebie: Free Routine Assessment

The Chopra App

Erin Condren Planners

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