Create a Beautiful DIY Reading Canopy in One Afternoon


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Are you looking to make a reading canopy for your child (or yourself!)? This simple plan will help you create a beautiful reading canopy in an afternoon. Read on to learn more.

When we left to travel in the middle of 2014 we sold most of our belongings. It was incredibly freeing and I would do it again in a heartbeat, but now we have a house that needs to feel like a home. As we get settled that means consciously creating the environment that makes us comfortable and fulfilled.

This week, I turned more attention to Eleanor’s playroom. She had very few toys on our travels and those she did have were getting to be too young for her anyway.

Searching through Pinterest for ways to make her playroom more complete - rather than a room to just dump toys - I found some pretty detailed setups. There were decked out forest-scapes, little towns, princess castles and perfectly color-coordinated spaces that deserve a two-page spread in the latest issue of House Beautiful. Who has the time and money for all that?

Scaling back a bit I discovered TeePees are taking over Pinterest and playrooms alike. Well, I guess they have been for a while, but it’s not something you notice until you have a child of your own. And while I LOVE the look of the TeePee, I chose to go a bit more old school. Plus, with so much to do, I just don’t have the time to commit to undertaking a big project right now.

That’s why I decided on a reading canopy!

My favorite part was that it was cheap to make and easy to put together. Plus, Eleanor loves it! What more could I ask for? The floor pillow is still a work in progress, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Toddlers are awesome like that.

I picked up all of the items at our local Dollar General, Joann’s and Target. I have included links below to similar products on Amazon as it's been a couple years and items at the dollar store change so quickly. Plus, if you have Amazon Prime and put in the order online today and you can probably make this canopy over the weekend. Sweet!

This post includes affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Little Green Bow so I can continue to make more project tutorials. 

How to make a reading canopy in an afternoon:

Materials You Will Need:

All of these materials cost me $31.76 + tax at the time of purchase as I had the white ribbon, drywall anchor, and tape on hand.

The assembly was really easy and came together in about an hour.


1: String the curtains together.

Make a Reading Canopy in a Day|
How to Make a Reading Canopy |

2: Wrap the hula hoop with the ribbon (I suggest waiting to wrap the lights until step 6).

How to Make a Reading Canopy in an Afternoon |

3: Tie the cross ribbons.

How to Make a Reading Canopy |

4: Anchor the ceiling hook.

5: Measure down from the ceiling.

How to Make a Reading Canopy for Toddlers |

6: Wrap the lights.

How to Make a Reading Canopy |

7: Hang the canopy and adjust.

How to Make a Reading Canopy |

8: Enjoy!

How to Make a Reading Canopy for a Child |

Step back and marvel at your handiwork. I hope your children enjoy it as much as my daughter does.


So what do you think? Did I inspire you to make your own canopy?

Don't forget to pin it for reference later!

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