Sweet and Salty Triple Chip Cookies

Have you ever had a craving for something late at night? Please tell me I'm not be the only one. I tend to be one of those people who craves something for a while and then all of a sudden, WHAM! I have to have it NOW!That was me this week with chocolate chip cookies. In the back of my mind, a cookie sounded oh so delicious until one night at 10:00 pm, I just had to have one. I went digging through my cupboards and realized I was short on chocolate chips. Ugh!Of course, I could have made the cookies with less of the key ingredient, but that's just crazy. After all, necessity is the mother of invention so how was I going to improvise? I was not about to run out to the grocery store at 10:00pm like a mad woman craving chocolate.Problem was I didn't have quite enough chocolate chips for a full batch. So, what's a girl to do? Use what you've got! I love the combination of sweet and salty so since I was short on the sweet, I decided to up the salty. Good thing too because the improvisation led to some really yummy cookies that I have dubbed Sweet and Salty Triple Chip Cookies.What did I use, you ask? The three chips are mini chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, and potato chips. That's right! There are potato chips in these cookies!Turned out to be just the right combo and perfect for a late night treat. Do you have any odd flavor combinations you love or successful recipe improvisations? I'd love to hear about them in the comments below. Sweet and Salty Triple Chip Cookie Ingredients [yumprint-recipe id='11']Side note: one of my favorite things to do is make up a batch of cookie dough and refrigerate it. You will get perfectly shaped cookies and can easily have warm, homemade cookies anytime you want. Just pop 'em in the oven for about 10 minutes and you're good to go.

Sweet and Salty Triple Chip Cookie Batter


Deliciously Sweet and Salty Triple Chip Cookies