21 Days to a Decluttered Life


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I have a confession to make. I absolutely love the New Year. I love the fresh start and setting goals. But, one of my favorite things to do is declutter, purge, and clear out the excess from the year before. 

How about you? Are you ready to clear out the clutter, tackle all that extra STUFF that is weighing you down, and get organized once and for all? 

Don’t worry if it’s not something you are naturally drawn to.

I know what it’s like to have a home jam-packed with stuff. And I also know what it’s like to come from a family that NEVER wants to get rid of things. But, after 7 cross-country moves (dragging all of my stuff, my husband’s stuff, and then our daughter’s stuff behind me) I knew it was time for a change. Luckily, through two stints of living abroad (and out of suitcases) I finally realized that I do not need to hold on to stuff to be happy or safe. 

The good news is, you don’t have to throw it all out to live like a minimalist. You can learn from me!

I’ve started clearing my house of clutter, and you can too! Take this opportunity to learn from the mistakes I’ve made over the years - like selling it ALL to travel (totally failed and had to buy a lot of stuff back) and some of the tricks of the trade I have gleaned (like if everything is special, nothing is). 

As we start fresh this year, I wanted to invite you to join me on a 21-Day Decluttering Challenge. Over the course of twenty-one days I will send you simple but powerful daily assignments and together we will be empowered to declutter the unnecessary stuff so that we can focus on what matters to us most.

If you like to start fresh, you're going to love it! And if you were hoping to declutter, but are struggling with where to start, it's going to be perfect for you. 

The 21-Day Decluttering Challenge will work on one space or area in your home each day. The tasks are bite-sized and easy so even though we are all super busy, we'll be able to see progress and will love the results. 

The challenge starts on Saturday, January 11th so you still have another week to prepare, get the kids back to school, and have space to breathe. (While these last 2 weeks of winter break have been nice, I am ready to get back into my routine - please tell me I am not alone!)

When you're ready to join the 21-Day Decluttering Challenge hop on over to my free Private Facebook Group - Wannabe Minimalist Family. That's where all the fun will be happening. We've got a great group forming and I'd love for you to be part of it so go ahead and sign up and don't forget to introduce yourself. I can't wait to meet you there!

Here's the schedule for the 21-Day Challenge:

  • Day 1: Your Closet

  • Day 2: The Entryway

  • Day 3: Master Bathroom

  • Day 4: Master Bedroom

  • Day 5: Kids Clothes

  • Day 6: Kids Room/Toys

  • Day 7: Living Room

  • Day 8: Kitchen Drawers

  • Day 9: Kitchen Cabinets

  • Day 10: Pantry/Refrigerator

  • Day 11: Linen Closet

  • Day 12: Flat Surfaces

  • Day 13: Dining Room

  • Day 14: Guest Room

  • Day 15: Garage

  • Day 16: Garage/Attic/Basement

  • Day 17: Papers

  • Day 18: Office/Craft Room

  • Day 19: Laundry

  • Day 20: Guest/Kid Bathrooms

  • Day 21: Celebrate - Invite friends over

It's going to be a busy month, but I will be with you every step of the way. And as an extra bonus (and because I am a work in progress too) I will be doing the decluttering challenge at the same time!

I can't wait to see how much lighter our homes feel by the end of the month.

Let's start the new decade off right!! Join the 21-Day Decluttering Challenge in my private Wannabe Minimalist Family Facebook group today. 

If you liked this post, please share it so others can join the challenge and start decluttering with a family too.