Ep 96: What I Do When the Unexpected Happens


Have you ever had a busy day planned out and then the unexpected happened and it got totally derailed? That was me this week. Life was busy because we had just gotten back from our spring break vacation and my calendar was full of things to clean up from before we left and to make up for being off for the week. You know how that goes.

But then, my daughter woke up sick. And with the last 2 years dedicated to the pandemic (and thankfully avoiding illness) we were totally out of practice with what to do. To say that it completely took over my day would be a good way to put it.

There was a problem though - I did have a couple non-negotiable things that had to happen. Instead of letting the complete change of my day ruin everything I worked through it and it ended up being not only a productive day, but a good one too.

I recently spoke about the best ways to organize your days and I think the universe was giving me this opportunity to put that advice into practice. It worked and I also uncovered a few more lessons for how to actually keep my cool in the midst of a crazy day. That’s what I want to share with you.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will also help you discover:

  • My 5 step plan for getting my day back on track

  • What I say to myself to keep a clear head

  • The biggest aha moment I had with the concept of time

  • How I plan for the unexpected

  • The #1 thing I recommend you do before tackling a bad day

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Happier at Home: 5 easy steps you can take today to tidy up, take back your sanity, and thrive at home


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