Ep 89: Organize Your Closet in 4 Easy Steps


Let’s get back to basics and talk about how to organize our closets. This is one of my favorite places to start. Yes, some people say to start in your bathroom because there are fewer emotional decisions to be made there and there is less stuff to deal with, but for me the sense of accomplishment and joy I feel when looking at an organized closet is worth the effort.

When my closet is organized, I am able to start my day off on the right foot. I can see all of the clothing I own and it makes it easier to choose an outfit for the day. When my day begins with less stress it carries over throughout my day and makes the other areas of my life easier too.

Adopting a capsule wardrobe has seriously helped my closet organization issues and taken this to a whole new level, but you don't have to go that far to see amazing results.

These 4 easy steps can help you get your closet under control no matter if you are a fashionista and love to have the latest and greatest trends or if you are more like me and enjoy a simple wardrobe that mixes and matches. The principles are the same and before you know it your closet will be clutter free, organized, and feeling amazing.

Opening those doors just might become one of your favorite parts of your day and any day that starts with a smile is a winner in my book.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will also help you discover:

  • Why the first step to organizing your closet isn’t even touching your clothes

  • How to create space for everything you love with the container method

  • An update to one of the most trusted organization methods

  • The easiest way to declutter - no, you do not have to take it all out at once

  • Why making your space pretty is important and what it does for long-term organization

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The Home Systems Power Pack - discover how to get your home in order quickly and easily.

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