Declutter and Get Organized with the Avalanche Declutter Challenge


Tired of feeling like stuff is taking over your home? Want to declutter, but lose motivation too easily?

Join 1000’s of other busy families just like yours and discover how to declutter over 450 items in just one month.

The Avalanche Declutter Challenge will:

  • harness your energy efficiently and capitalize on when you are most motivated to make progress

  • fit easily into your everyday routine as you never have to declutter more than 30 things at one time

  • provide daily encouragement to help you reach your goal

  • make a huge different in your life without requiring a big commitment

Best of all? It's completely free — sign up for the daily inspiration now!!


Hi there, I’m Deanna!

And I know exactly what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by the stuff in my home.

In fact, I started Wannabe Clutter Free and the Wannabe Minimalist Show, not as an expert, but because I needed some accountability for getting my home and life in order.

The awesome thing is — it worked!

Over time I learned how to put simple systems in place to declutter and organized my home so that I could stop just going through the motions and start living the life I wanted to be living everyday. Now, I’m on a mission to help other women like me who want to live a vibrant life!


 But, one of my FAVORITE ways to get started (or jumpstart my efforts) is with a Decluttering Challenge.

The Avalanche Declutter Challenge worked so well for me that I’m sharing my process and tips with the world so other busy mamas, families, and anyone else looking to make a positive change in their home can do it too!

So, if you’re ready to take back control of your home, join me and others just like you in the Avalanche Declutter Challenge.


What’s the Avalanche Declutter Challenge all about?

The Avalanche Declutter Challenge is a 30-day challenge where you declutter a certain number of items each day. It’s human nature to start a new routine or program with lots of energy, motivation, and positivity. The Avalanche Declutter Challenge uses this fact to your advantage and starts off strong. Each day gets easier as you declutter fewer and fewer items. By the last day, you only have ONE thing to declutter, but you’ve made amazing progress throughout your home.

If you’ve tried other declutter challenges in the past, but they haven’t worked…it’s OKAY. I was like that too. If you’re like me you start super strong and can lose motivation quickly. That’s why I love the Avalanche Declutter Challenge. It works with my natural tendencies so I don’t have to fight to keep going or increase my efforts.

I like when things get easier as I keep going.

If that sounds good to you, I encourage you to give it a try and think you’ll be amazed by the results too!

How the Avalanche Challenge Works…

  • On day 1 you will declutter 30 items.

  • On day 2 you will declutter 29 items.

  • On day 3 you will declutter 28 items.

  • and on and on until you get to…

  • Day 30 when you only declutter 1 final item.

By the end of the month you will have decluttered over 450 items and I promise you will see a difference in your home!


Join me and sign up for the Avalanche Declutter Challenge. I’ll send daily inspiration right to your inbox for the next 30 days so you can get the tidy home of your dreams and start to live the vibrant life you’ve always wanted.
