Ep 216: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Finding the Motivation You Need for the Life & Home You Want


Ever find it tough to get started on those big, daunting tasks? In our latest episode of Wannabe Clutter Free, we dive into why it's so hard to get going and share practical tips to find and keep your motivation high.

We discuss the mental load we all carry, how to break tasks into manageable steps, and the magic of positive self-talk. Plus, we cover how to take that crucial first step and keep moving forward, even when progress feels slow.

Tune in to learn how to connect with your "why," enlist support, and celebrate those small wins. Ready to tackle those hard things? Listen now and get inspired!

Catch the episode here on Apple or here on Spotify and join our community of motivated moms!

This episode will also help you discover:

  • How to tap into what motivates you to make big changes

  • Why your “why” is so important

  • Tips for getting started when motivation is lacking

  • Simple ideas for sticking with it when progress is at a snail’s pace

  • What “fun” activity inspired this episode


Music: Fresh Lift by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com


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Let’s Connect!

We’d love to hear how you’re applying the strategies discussed in this episode. Share your stories and tips with us on social media or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes designed to make your busy life a bit easier.

Thank you for joining us, and remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Here’s to a more organized and less stressful life!


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