Ep 208: Effortless Ways to Organize Your Child's Artwork and Schoolwork This Summer


Do you struggle with letting go of your kids artwork? Do the school papers pile up and overwhelm you?

If you nodded yes, episode 208 of the Wannabe Clutter Free Podcast is for you!

This episode explores effective strategies for organizing children's artwork and school papers, especially relevant at the end of the school year.

I emphasize the importance of decluttering for a tidy home and preserving precious memories, providing a range of practical tips including creating a dedicated space, setting up a weekly routine, and digitizing artwork.

The episode also covers involving kids in the organization process to teach decision-making skills and maintaining the system year-round.

This episode will also help you discover:

  • The impact of not decluttering your kids artwork

  • Why decluttering should be a family affair

  • How to let go of your mom-guilt with tossing kid’s artwork

  • Ways to display, stash, or trash the mountains of papers

  • Tips for highlighting the truly special pieces of your kids artwork


Music: Fresh Lift by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com


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Let’s Connect!

We’d love to hear how you’re applying the strategies discussed in this episode. Share your stories and tips with us on social media or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes designed to make your busy life a bit easier.

Thank you for joining us, and remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Here’s to a more organized and less stressful life!


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