Ep 211: Clutter and Couples: Creating Harmony at Home with Each Other's Stuff with Colette Roy


In this episode of the Wannabe Clutter Free podcast, the host, Deanna Yates, interviews Colette Roy, a Professional Organizer with a wealth of experience in managing both physical and emotional clutter in relationships. They dive deep into the challenges couples face when merging households and the critical role effective communication plays in maintaining harmony. Colette shares her journey and the transformative power of regular, structured communication sessions, offering listeners practical advice on how to set these up and keep them going.

Throughout the conversation, Deanna and Colette highlight the parallels between managing physical clutter and fostering healthy relationships. They discuss the importance of small, consistent steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed, and how these practices can create a sanctuary-like home environment.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to set clear communication parameters when moving in together.

  • The benefits of regular, structured communication sessions for couples.

  • Practical tips for managing physical and emotional clutter.

  • The importance of small, consistent steps in maintaining a clutter-free home.

  • Inspiration for embracing life transitions and new beginnings.

About Colette Roy:

Colette's been obsessed with organizing since she was a little girl and had a super tiny bedroom! Her need to keep everything in its place was crucial to her well-being. From there, her obsession with organization evolved into systems she created to operate her residential cleaning company after graduating from the University of Colorado. A decade later, she closed the biz and hightailed it to the Caribbean to learn how to sail with her new husband; during that adventure, she became an overnight minimalist since she was carrying all her belongings!

Upon returning back to her beloved Boulder, Colorado, after five years of nomadic life, she started her next career as a Professional Organizer, where she's worked with many clients over the past two decades. During that time, she also became a certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™️ and dove deep into the art of maintaining healthy and vibrant relationships. Her book, Clutter and Couples: The Guide to Organize Your Home & Transform Your Relationship, is a direct result of observing how clutter affects us all, especially how it affects our relationship.

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Our Podcast Guest

Colette Roy


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